School interview days and performance assessments

School interview days are scheduled for January 28 and 29. Students and teachers are preparing performance assessments as the basis for these interviews.
School interview days and performance assessments
Hagaskóli will hold interviews after 12pm on January 28 and all day on January 29.
Parent interview registration is now open. Register through Mentor ( using the blue tile - “Foreldraviðtöl” (Parent Interviews).
Students and teachers will complete performance assessments before the interviews to discuss student progress.
Students will work on performance assessments with homeroom teachers next week. Teacher assessments will be available to students and parents after 12pm on Friday, January 24.
View the performance assessment by clicking the “Fjölskylduvefur” (Family Web) tile in Mentor. Viewing on a computer is recommended. We encourage parents to review the assessment with their children before the interview day. This is good preparation for the interview.